Hold Ah Medz | Loose Leaf Tea Blend for Relaxation and Ease

from $11.99

Hold Ah Medz: Embrace Relaxation

Drawing inspiration from my West Indian roots, Hold Ah Medz is an invitation to relaxxxxxx. Loosely translating to "I'm relaxing" or "I'm meditating," this common phrase encapsulates the essence of serenity. When someone tells you to "Hold Ah Medz," they are prompting you to come back to center and embrace tranquility, acknowledging that you may be scattered and in need of calming energy. Sip sweet on our Hold Ah Medz blend and allow relaxation to take over.

Sip Sweet & Affirm: All is well within my mind, body and soul.

Directions: Place 1/2 — 1 tablespoon of loose leaf tea into your favorite mug and brew in 8oz of hot water for 10-15 minutes. For a stronger infusion, steep longer. Add honey or agave if desired. Breathe easy, sip slow and allow yourself to unwind.

Net Weight 1oz, 2oz
1oz yields between 8-12 cups of tea
2oz yield between 20-25 cups of tea

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Sip Sweet Straw

Pair your tea blend with our tea strainers or with our exclusive Sip Sweet straws.

This blend contains herbs that bring harmony to the root, crown and heart chakras. Intuitively formulated, this blend is a sweet reminder that prioritizing yourself, tranquility, and inner peace is not only acceptable but vital for your overall well-being. This blend is for you if you’re always on the go and need some plant allies to slow down, unwind and take it easy.

Blend Highlight •

At De La Jipi Apothecary + Botánica, we are passionate about promoting wholistic and spiritual wellness through the use of natural remedies. Lemon Balm is a calming and uplifting nervine, known to calm the mind and soothe anxiety. This herb has the potential to reduce stress, lift mood, and support overall cognitive function. The aroma of Lemon Balm imparts a sense of tranquility and peace, aiding in the relief of insomnia and promoting restful sleep.

Rich in antioxidants, it possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties that support the immune system and combat illness. Lemon Balm has also been known to aid in digestion, alleviating symptoms such as indigestion, bloating, and various gastrointestinal disorders.

Lemon Balm is also revered for its ability to uplift and revitalize the spirit, promoting a sense of inner peace, joy, and connection. Lemon Balm encourages self-expression, helping to release negative emotions and foster a deep sense of self-acceptance and personal power. This herb can be used in spiritual rituals, meditation, or even as a gentle smudge to cleanse and purify the energy of sacred spaces.

  • Oatstraw, Lemon Balm, Nettles, Tulsi, Chamomile, Damiana

  • Oatstraw is a powerhouse plant ally for recovering from burnout and helps us combat everyday stressors.

    Tulsi supports immune and nervous system health. It also improves our mood.

    Damiana brings on feelings of complete relaxations, allowing us to truly be present.

    Chamomile is relaxing and comforting.

    Nettles helps us return home to ourselves and removes unwanted energies from our aura. It support vibrancy in our health and provides us with vibrancy.

Crystal Pairing + Ritual • Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is a beautiful healing crystal known for its soothing and calming energy. It is closely associated with the throat chakra, which is the energy center responsible for communication, self-expression, and authentic truth. By connecting with this chakra, Blue Calcite encourages clear communication, aids in resolving conflicts, and fosters emotional and mental balance.

When it comes to emotions, Blue Calcite is an excellent ally. It promotes serenity and relaxation while helping to release emotional blockages and traumas. Its gentle energy encourages self-acceptance and enables us to express our emotions in a healthy and constructive way. This crystal can assist in overcoming anxiety, stress, and emotional overreactions, allowing us to find inner peace.

Blue Calcite also has a calming effect that aids in alleviating mental fatigue, enhancing focus, and promoting clarity of thought. By dissipating negative thought patterns and anxieties, it facilitates a greater sense of mental stability and tranquility. Blue Calcite can also stimulate creativity, making it an ideal companion for those engaged in creative pursuits or seeking inspiration.

Spiritually, Blue Calcite works at a deep level, supporting our connection with higher realms of consciousness. It amplifies intuition, allowing us to receive guidance and understanding from our higher selves or spiritual guides. This crystal can assist in chakra alignment and spiritual growth, helping to attune to divine wisdom and enhancing our spiritual journey.

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